Of course, this goes hand-in-hand with censorship. Privacy and censorship topics are always intertwined. Several of the charges were also about Telegram's failure to censor. For both, a decentralized approach where there's no HQ to attack, raid, pressure, or threaten is the best approach. They can torture somebody all they want, but if they don't have the ability to break privacy or enable censorship, it won't matter.

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A cabal will not stop, unless the 99.999% over the people across the world stand up push back and say no. it's really up to us if not we will get their plan whether we like it or not.

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I agree that a lot of people have to stand up, but a vocal minority of even 15% can make a huge difference for everybody.

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I agree, it takes a few motivated people to make real change. We can do this!

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Durov’s story and his interview with Tucker Carlson is fascinating. I love that he stood up to the Russian government and kept innovating.

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Germany going after farmers and France going after encryption shows you that they are not so slowly taking over every aspect of our lives. Soon they will have the infrastructure to control our diets, minds, information, health, freedom, and privacy. The surveillance infrastructure is in place, the corporate domination of the market, products, and jobs is in place. The Banking institutions have long been in place. Now they’re blatantly acting like there’s nothing that can stop them. That’s world domination. It’s happening right now.

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