You are making solid points on this! On one hand, the government shouldn't be making these decisions for people, on the other people are led astray if they TRUST government to behave like their parents.

It's also mightily selective to ignore the spying done across all the big tech media platforms.

The Babylon Bee did a great article on this, too. Their parody is spot-on "With TikTok Ban, Americans Now Only Being Spied On By Pentagon, Google, Facebook, Apple, Samsung, Doorbell, Toaster." https://cl.babylonbee.com/c/7/eyJhaSI6OTM0MDM5NzAsImUiOiJtd21AdGhlYXJ0b2ZkaWVzZWwuY29tIiwicmkiOiIxMzQzMDQ2MDMxIiwicnEiOiIwMi1iMjUwMjAtNzc4ZmQ2YmE5N2Y1NDc0NGE5ZTU3ZGYyY2I3MGI3ODEiLCJtIjpmYWxzZSwidWkiOiIiLCJ1biI6IiIsInUiOiJodHRwczovL2JhYnlsb25iZWUuY29tL25ld3Mvd2l0aC10aWt0b2stYmFuLWFtZXJpY2Fucy1ub3ctb25seS1iZWluZy1zcGllZC1vbi1ieS1wZW50YWdvbi1nb29nbGUtZmFjZWJvb2stYXBwbGUtc2Ftc3VuZy1kb29yYmVsbC10b2FzdGVyP3V0bV9zb3VyY2U9VGhlJTIwQmFieWxvbiUyMEJlZSUyME5ld3NsZXR0ZXImdXRtX21lZGl1bT1lbWFpbCJ9/UYdFqnhdNku37nPKotUD6A

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Hey Naomi!

It would be really interesting to interview Chris and Hamish over the cyber-privacy concerns of Substack! I think that overview is very much needed! :)

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